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‘Fair and Resilient Societies’ is the interdisciplinary, UvA-wide theme for research and teaching aimed at promoting a just, stable and resilient society that ensures the well-being of its citizens. This programme fulfils the ambition in UvA’s Strategic Plan to innovate research and education through collaboration, both between disciplines within the UvA and with external partners.

Theme-based collaboration

‘Fair and Resilient Societies’ is the interdisciplinary, UvA-wide theme for research and teaching aimed at promoting a just, stable and resilient society that ensures the well-being of its citizens. This programme invites academics to formulate new, sometimes unexpected research questions on socially relevant themes at the interface of disciplines and faculties. It fulfils the ambition from UvA's Strategic Plan to innovate research and education through collaboration, both between disciplines within the UvA and with external partners. The other themes are Responsible Digital TransformationsSustainable Prosperity and Healthy Future.