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The University of Amsterdam (UvA) wishes to encourage collaboration between disciplines on complex societally relevant themes. To stimulate this type of research, the UvA theme-based collaboration programme offers grants and other fundings for interdisciplinary research projects falling within four specific themes that are important for the university: Responsible Digital Transformations, Healthy Future, Fair and Resilient Societies, and Sustainable Prosperity.

Transcending disciplinary boundaries

Through this second Call for Proposals for Midsize Projects, researchers are encouraged to form interdisciplinary groups in partnership with non-academic stakeholders. They can apply for projects with a maximum budget of € 200k. The grant can be spent on hiring new, temporary staff, such as research assistants, postdocs, and data scientists for the duration of the project (up to two years) and additional project costs. Two or three grants will be awarded for each theme. Midsize Projects contribute to UvA’s strategic objective of inspiring generations through interdisciplinary research. Submit your proposal no later than 31 October 2024, 11.00h CET.

The call is open to all tenure-track, assistant, associate and full professors, as well as professors by special appointment at the University of Amsterdam. We invite passionate researchers to propose projects that align with one of the four IP Themes.

Additional information for applicants

Fair and Resilient Societies (FRS) is the interdisciplinary, UvA-wide theme for research and education aimed at promoting a just, stable and resilient society that ensures the well-being of its citizens. To enhance the effectiveness of the FRS theme, the steering group has decided to focus on three specific sub themes. Therefore, in this call for Midsize Projects (Instrument II, to a maximum of € 200k) we invite research groups that work together with external partners on the following three sub themes:

  • Inequality
  • Migration
  • Social crises and polarization

More information?

For more information, please contact theme manager Christina Feray-Ceulemans:

Drs. C.T. (Christina) Feray-Ceulemans

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Alumnirelaties & Fondsenwerving